Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Butterflies are Free to Fly

In this garden of information, you'll become conscious of the other (dark) side of the same coin. To my opinion, it is something we all have to face. And it is not something to be afraid of. Just become aware of the cruel system you are part of and discover your true nature and your destiny, which can only be found in the timeless now. 

We will not be able to solve the problem with the same consciousness, with what we created the problem with. The consciousness of the Inner Authentic Self helps to see the coin of duality from above, 'enlightend'.

Is it you who is in charge of your life? Eckhart Tolle explains how you can become in charge again (by letting go). If you want to become a free human being you have to know what is imprisoning you.

Have fun, never be afraid and Be in Love with your True Authentic Self - THE INFINITY.

IAM Another You,



That Baffling Human Paradox

Our Greatest Evil Flows From Ourselves

By: Ashima CL Sharma

With great power lies great responsibility. Unlike nature that has very efficient methods of balancing power centers, man’s power centers are haphazard and self-regulated. Man is the only creature who can simultaneously live in two worlds: one on the inside and other on the outside.

And both can be diametrically opposite.

Besides, man can use borrowed powers: the powers developed by peaceful intelligent people can be used by destructive, unintelligent people. Creative growth solutions meant for peace and development can be used for destruction, genocide and terror. This combination of delusion and acquired potency brings forth counterfeit leaders and politicians and a hollow or forced governing system.

Every governing system no matter how beneficently conceived eventually tends to exploit the weaker segments of society. History shows us many examples of the worst implementations of benign ideologies. Communism conceived for equality and sanity has been applied by most insane dictators. Equal powers for all is used as all powers for one. Karl Marx and Lenin could never have imagined communism the way it was applied by Stalin.

Albert Einstein considered the theory of relativity that resulted in atom bomb, as his single greatest mistake in life. On the other hand, Harry Truman celebrated the night Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.

Any creative idea comes as a coin: with both positive and negative sides. The owner is free to encash any of its sides. He is free to buy bread or poison from it. Ironically nature has no substitutes for wisdom. And it has no shortcuts to acquiring it either. Hard earned knowledge always carries wisdom within itself whereas book-acquired knowledge doesn’t. A life lived honestly and fearlessly produces knowledgeable and wise men: men with empathy, righteousness and intelligence.

Contrarily, pseudo knowledge earned in degrees, skills and techniques results in egotistical, destructive and rigid men. Men who do not know the worth or effect of power never hesitate to use it for wrong reasons.

It is a paradox that the more knowledgeable a person becomes the less he yearns for power. It seems as if in some warped way, power attracts the corruptible. A wise person will always hesitate to lead masses whereas an immature person will always rush towards it. So much so that he wouldn’t object to crushing others to succeed in his ambitions. Men love to reap where they never sowed.

Acquiring power helps a person ignore or hide his inferiorities or complexes.

'Those who benefit from any societal mechanism rarely wish to understand that mechanism especially if it appears to grant them power, control or authority over their fellow man and understanding that mechanism would limit, diminish or remove that apparent power, control or authority. They simply do not want to know. Because… It is far easier to Ignorantly Control Others than it is to Wisely Control Yourself.'

But the fact remains that the big shots are only little shots that keep on shooting. Contemporary society which confuses power with greatness, has encouraged this mutation to flourish. Our social system has a tendency to respect the wrong attributes in subtle ways. The human power pyramid is working upside down. Rather than respecting individuals we respect possessions. This is one of the greatest tragedies of life as we know it to be.

Without a doubt….the right power in right hands blended with knowledge, wisdom, love and respect for life is humanity’s most urgent need at this time. (source)

For a more deeper understanding, see this highly recommended video.

The choice between Love and Fear

This video is an excellent explanation by Gregg Braden about what happens with you on a cellular/DNA level. Everything vibrates!

Stewart's second and third documentary are as good as the above...

More information about the heart science, go for this website.

Monday, 25 May 2009

What is enlightenment?

Jeff Foster (do listen to this interview) - more information click here.

What is Non-Duality?

Short phrases from 'The Power of Now' from Eckhart Tolle in Dutch:

(...) Het woord 'verlichting' roept het beeld op van een bovenmenselijke prestatie, en het ego houdt het graag zo, maar het is gewoon je natuurlijk staat van gevoelde eenheid met Zijn.

(...) Als je er helemaal bent, als je met je aandacht helemaal en heel intens gericht bent op het Nu, kun je Zijn voelen, maar je kunt het met je verstand nooit begrijpen. Het herwinnen van het bewustzijn van Zijn en het verblijven in die toestand van 'voelen-verwezenlijking' is verlichting.
(...) De identificatie met je verstand, waardoor het denken dwangmatig wordt, is het grootste obstakel om deze werkelijkheid te kunnen ervaren. Niet kunnen ophouden met denken is een afschuwelijke kwelling, maar we beseffen dat niet omdat vrijwel iedereen er onder lijdt, met als gevolg dat we het als normaal beschouwen. Dit onophoudelijke mentale lawaai verhindert dat je het rijk van de stilte in je vindt dat onafscheidelijk is van Zijn. Het schept ook een verkeerd, door het verstand voortgebracht zelf dat een schaduw van angst en lijden voor zich uit werpt.

De filosoof Descartes geloofde dat hij de meest fundamentele waarheid gevonden had toen hij zijn beroemde uitspraak 'ik denk, dus ik besta' deed. In werkelijkheid maakte hij de meest elementaire fout die er is: het gelijkstellen van denken met Zijn en identiteit met denken. De dwangmatige denker, en die aansluiting slaat op vrijwel iedereen, leeft in een toestand van afgesneden-zijn, in een krankzinnig ingewikkelde wereld met een aaneenschakeling van problemen en conflicten, een wereld die een afspiegeling is van de steeds verdergaande versplintering van het verstand. Verlichting is een toestand van heel zijn, van 'bijeenzijn' en dus van vrede.

(...) Let wel: het verstand is een voortreffelijk instrument als je het goed gebruikt. Bij verkeerd gebruik wordt het echter erg destructief. Nauwkeuriger gezegd, het is niet zozeer zo dat je het verstand verkeerd gebruikt - meestal gebruik je het helemaal niet. Het gebruikt jou. Dat is de ziekte. Je gelooft dat jij je verstand bent. Dat is de misvatting. Het instrument heeft je overgenomen.

Dat je kruiswoordpuzzels kunt oplossen of een atoombom kunt bouwen, wil nog niet zeggen, dat je je verstand gebruikt. Net zoals honden ervan houden op een bot te knagen, houdt het verstand ervan zijn tanden in problemen te zetten. Daarom lost het kruiswoordpuzzels op en bouwt het atoombommen. Jij hebt belang bij geen van beide. Sta me toe deze vraag te stellen: kun je vrij zijn van je verstand wanneer je dat wilt? Heb je de 'uitknop' gevonden?

Je bedoelt, helemaal stoppen met denken? Nee, dat kan ik niet, hooguit af en toe een moment of zo.

Dan gebruikt het verstand jou. Je bent er onbewust mee geïndentificeerd, zodat je niet eens weet dat je zijn slaaf bent. Het is alsof je zonder dat je het weet bezeten bent, en dus zie je de entiteit die je in bezit heeft genomen, aan voor jezelf. Het begin van de vrijheid is het besef dat je niet die entiteit bent - de denker. Als je dat weet, kun je de denker waarnemen. Op dat moment wordt er een hoger bewustzijnsniveau actief. Je begint te beseffen dat er en geweldig gebied van intelligentie is achter het denken en dat denken niet meer is dan een nietig onderdeel van die intelligentie. Je beseft ook dat alle dingen die echt belangrijk zijn - schoonheid, liefde, creativiteit, vreugde, innerlijke vrede - uit iets voorkomen dat het verstand te boven gaat. Je begint te ontwaken.

To me it is the evolutionairy process and direction we're all moving to, aware or unaware, in free choice and in full consciousness once you've reached the destination. But it is a long route, with many lives to live. The end will be that we were already there, without noticing it. It is the full experience of beingness - one with everything, the whole Universe. Am I there? No not yet. And there is the paradox. It cannot be forced by labor, pushed because it's your goal. It has to do with total sacrifice to Divinity, to be found in the Now.

To my opinion, the path to enlightenment is not a luxuary happening anymore. It is part of an ever evolving process, stressed and accelerated by crisis and chaos. In this time frame on earth we are in this extreme evolving era, where change with endless chances will be the key factor. Do you keep up - by simply Being who you already Are - or can't you (the mind) handle it anymore? It's your choice.

For a more technical comprehension try Todd Murphy. Or this page.
What is enlightenment according to you?

Do you want to know the truth?

The most important happening since the year 2000 was what happened on September 11, 2001. It is of extreme importance you


what really happened that day. The last 8 years, there are so many people gathering information about what seems strange about the event. Please overcome your prejudice and see just one of the many documentaries about what happened on September 11, '01.

Can you now imagine what that means for yourself? Do you feel a little bit in what bizar system you're living in? Do you understand the impact of this story, which is kept in darkness for more than seven years. Do you understand why it is so important that you know what really happened? Do you understand the implications?

So now it is your responsibility (if you see the story different now) to share this with as many people as you can think of. It is just one example of how these bizar, dark forces that are being in power, manipulate you and everyone around you. Take your responsibility in order to become the cause, instead of the result.

If you want to become a free human being you have to know what is imprisoning you. For a more in-depth view on humanity and its root problem, please watch the video Kymatica.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Schiff: Occupy looks in the wrong direction

Peter Schiff OCT 2011

Where is the RESET button?
Resetting without any possible debt in the future!
There is ONLY Abundance moving towards the AGE of Aquarius.

Max Keiser with Peter Schiff 13 FEB 2009

Alan Grayson investigates...

Take the red or the blue pill:

Whatever you do, don't take the red pill... that is if you wish to stay uninformed.

Try Alex Jones. Remember?

So now you know some more about the financial madness in the US. For more information stay a while on Nathan Martins Blog. Well informed and of high quality.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Kabbala - the Science of the Soul

I would like to share some special information I just read in the book 'The red string book, the power of protection.' In Dutch 'Het rode koord'. It's about Kabbala, a very influencial wisdom tradition. Enclosed you can read a fragment in Dutch.

Wat is Kabbala?

Stel je voor dat er een wonderlijke kracht zou zijn, die zo diep en machtig was dat ze ons en de wereld zou kunnen veranderen - voor altijd! Volgens de grote wijzen uit de geschiedenis is er zo'n kracht. Ze wordt Kabbala genoemd en het is de oudste en meest invloedrijke wijsheidstraditie van de wereld.

Veel mensen denken ten onrechte dat kabbala een religie is. Fout, fout en nog een fout! Kabbala is geen religie. Kabbala is net zo religieus als de wetten van de elektriciteit. Kabbala zou je een technologie kunnen noemen. Webster's Dictionary definieert technologie als: '... praktische toepassing van kennis, in het bijzonder op een bepaald gebied.'

Het gebied waarin kabbala praktische kennis verschaft, is het leven!

Kabbala biedt technologie voor de ziel. Voor het welzijn van mensen is ze een universele bron van wijsheid. (...) Je bent slechts om één reden op aarde: omdat je er zelf om hebt gevraagd hier te mogen zijn. Ja echt. Kabbala onthult je dat je er persoonlijk om hebt gevraagd om in deze donkere wereld vol chaos te mogen leven. Natuurlijk kun je je daar niets van herinneren! Als je je niet eens kunt herinneren dat je ooit in de schoot van je moeder was, hoe zou je je dan kunnen herinneren dat je ooit in de kosmische moederschoot verbleef, nog voor de schepping van deze wereld? Zie dit hoofdstuk maar als een herinnering aan dat feit. Waarom die keuze? Om een belangrijke reden. Je wilde zelf ervaren wat het is om schepper te zijn.

Waarom al die ellende en krankzinnigheid? Omdat wij in duisternis leven, aangezien we het licht hebben verstopt. En we zien niet hoe we het gordijn van het licht kunnen wegnemen, omdat het pikkedonker is.

En wat houdt ons versluierd? Wat is dan het gordijn? Het gordijn is... ons menselijk ego.

Vandaar dat Eckhart Tolle zoveel aanhangers heeft, omdat hij als geen ander onder woorden krijgt wat het ego met ons doet en waarom wij ons daar bewust van mogen worden. Om namelijk een volgende stap in ons evolutionaire bewustzijnniveau te maken. En dan staan we pas aan het begin van wat de verlichtingservaring heet. Het is slechts een bewuste keuze, die we gezamenlijk mogen maken!

Toch zullen we beter moeten begrijpen, waar duisternis zich bevindt en hoe het in ons werkt, anders weet je niet goed hoe je je bewustzijnsniveau verhoogd.

De documentaire Kymatica legt dit erg goed uit, net als het onderricht van Eckhart Tolle. Beide te vinden op deze blog.

Een voorbeeld van hoe slim het ego werkt:

Iedereen is steeds maar bezig om zich 'goed' te voelen.
Dat is een bezigheid waar je je doorgaans
vrij slecht van gaat voelen.
Erik van Zuydam

Als je snapt hoe dit zit, dan ben je bewust in ontwikkeling. Je gaat het pas zien als je het door hebt.

Be careful what you eat...

Please be aware that food has great influence on how you feel and thus to a certain extend on who you are. For instance, do some research on Aspartame (E 950) or flavouring E 625. What I ordered is the little booklet of Corinne Gouget, full of information about all the additives that are put in your daily food.

Next Step is taken: Russia no longer supports the Dollar

In Nathan's blog we can read the news, we just had to wait for:

This is a big deal. Today’s action with falling equities, falling bond prices, and a falling dollar (with sharply rising gold prices in dollar terms) pretty much boxes Bernanke and little Timmy Geithner in.

The American way of life is about to change whether we like it or not.

Notice that no shots were fired, no one sent up a balloon saying “Russia no longer uses the dollar as a reserve currency!” No, it happened slowly and subtly.

Russia Dumps the U.S. Dollar for Euro as Reserve Currency

(...) Okay, first of all, we are ALREADY BANKRUPT as our collective debts exceed our collective assets. But let’s just ignore that, shall we? The credit rating agencies have NO CREDIBILITY left at all. They, and their pay for rating scheme, are a huge part of the problem to begin with. They will only downgrade AFTER people have stopped buying our debt which basically began in January of this year.

Secondly, when a country begins printing money to buy back their own debt, DEFAULT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. Again, don’t look for the headline that reads, U.S. DEFAULTS ON HER DEBT!” It will never come. But we already have, that’s what quantitative easing (printing) is all about.

Rule of law? Third world country? Naw, only banana republics think people will be fooled by stunts like that.Eh, it’s only money. Money for nothing, get your tricks for free!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The best documentaries ever - the deepest answers of our destiny

Stewarts September 2012 Tour through the UK.


Butterflies are Free to fly - find the holographic universe lectures

About the Mind: watch all 3 lectures by dr. Joe Marshalla


"Evolution is a term to define only one organism and that's the self. The self is the universe, the self is the alpha and omega, god, and infinity, and that's the only thing that evolves because we are all part of the self. Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone or without direct benefit to the whole. So when you begin to think that there's this controlling elite, this controlling hand behind the curtains leading the planet to destruction...

When you think the end is near, the apocalypse, Armageddon, and when you think we as a species are doomed, it is not they, it is you that brought this about, and for a very good reason. You are evolving. Stop blaming everybody and everything else. Quit panicking about global tyranny and natural disaster and pay attention, because the world is telling you something; it tells you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it." -  
Kymatica (to watch below)

How to fix it? In short:


This documentary is one of the best I've found on YouTube.

Some quotes summed up:

The cancer upon our earth is the domination of our false ego and our devorce from nature.

Collectively among every human, vanity leads to segragation and competition. Competition leads to fear and greed. Greed leads to deceit and immorality. And immorality is the breeding ground for illness.

Every act of hatred and destructiveness in our world, begins with self hate and selfdestructiveness. And that all begins with the breakdown of communication.

Remember that the false ego has only one desire: to become greater and more powerfull than the true self. This illness causes us to believe that we are seperate from nature. This is why we see such a rise in the dependency of technology.

"If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety. They must then conceal the victim in themselves by resorting to violence against others." Arno Gruen

The reason why we have failed to conquer these archetypal rulers permenently is because for thousands of years, we've been fighting the symptoms of illness and not the root cause.

For every corrupt government that falls in the hands of a revolutionairy oppressed people, two more will rise in its place everytime, because the root cause of the corrupt government does not exist in the individual leading that government. It exists with the psyche of every individual, because an unaware host to a deadly parasite will do anything to avoid accepting his own incapacity for freedom.

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul." Carl Jung
The ego is something that is insecure. It is something that is in need of control. The ego is accually an inferior thing, but it is trying to act as it is superiour.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Goethe


*7 MARCH 2014*

The stage: Thrive Movement

How to become a sovereign human being - I Am - in relation to the system.  
The latest revealing and concrete contribution of Talismanic Idols:


Stewarts website: TALISMANIC IDOLS
More information about Consciouss Self Governance


to expand your consciousness

Gregg Braden

Remember this name. He is one of my examples in how he IS and what he tells us. He, as well as I do, sincerely believes that science and spirituality will come together and unite one day. In his book 'The Divine Matrix' he shows us how we can live our lives differently by seeing the reality in a different way. Please take your time for this special teacher:

Here some of his 20 keys to Conscious Creation..., explained in his book 'The Divine Matrix'.

1. The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the Universe, the bridge between all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created.

2. Everything in our world is connected to everything else.

3. To tap the force of the Universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world, rather than separate from it.

5. The act of focussing our consciousness is AN ACT OF CREATION. Consciousness creates!

7. The focus of our awareness becomes THE REALITY of our world.

9. Feeling is the language that 'speaks' to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

15. Through the hologram of consciousness a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

16. The minimum number of people required to 'jump-start' a change in consciousness is smaller than 1% of a population.

For a full list and more comprehension, please click within this blog.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

The Core Teachings of Eckhart Tolle

1. You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness behind the thoughts. Thoughts are often negative and painful, yearning for or fearing something in the future, complaining about something in the present or fearing a matter from the past. However, the thoughts are not you; they are a construct of the ego. Awareness of your thoughts without being caught up in them is the first step to freedom.

2. Only the present moment exists. That is where life is (indeed it is the only place life can truly be found). Becoming aware of the ‘now’ has the added benefit that it will draw your attention away from your (negative) thoughts. Use mindfulness techniques to fully appreciate your surroundings and everything you are experiencing. Look and listen intently. Give full attention to the smallest details.

3. Accept the present moment. It is resistance to the present moment that creates most of the difficulties in your life. However, acceptance does not mean that you cannot take action to rectify the situation you are in. What is important is to drop resistance so that you let the moment be, and that any action arises from deeper awareness rather than from resistance. The vast majority of pain in a person’s life comes from resistance to what is.

4. Observe the pain-body. Years of conditioned thought patterns, individually and collectively, have resulted in habitual emotional reactions with an apparent personality of their own. During ‘pain-body attacks’ we become completely identified with this ‘pain identity’ and respond from its agenda–which is to create more pain for ourselves and others. Observing the pain-body is awareness itself arising–as it allows humans to separate from this unconscious identification with pain.

If you want to know more, please read Eckhart Tolle's boek 'A New Earth - awakening to your life's purpose' (also in Dutch available). For more understanding and guidance you can read the book together with Oprah and Tolle on their shared website: Oprah and Eckhart video.

Pure Consciousness by deep Stillness

An Interview with Eckhart Tolle (parts of it)
from Dialogues With Emerging Spiritual Teachers by John W. Parker

(...) In your book, you mentioned that "enlightenment is simply our natural state of "felt" oneness with Being and a state of "feeling-realization.” Is enlightenment based on feeling rather than thinking? Help us understand who feels it and where it is felt.

Yes, well it is certainly closer to feeling than thinking. There is no word to describe the state of connectedness with Being. I am putting together two words in the book: feeling and realization hyphenated Because there is not a correct word that I can use. Language doesn't have a word for that. So I can only use something that gets relatively close but that's not it either. Realization sounds a little bit as if it were a "mental" thing. "Oh, I know." Feeling sounds as if it were an "emotion " But it is not an emotion. And it is not a mental recognition of anything. Perhaps the word that is closest to it is the realization of stillness, which is when the mental noise that we call thinking, subsides. There is a gap in the stream of thought, but there is absolutely no loss of consciousness. In that ''gap" there is full and intense consciousness, but it has not taken on form.

Every thought in consciousness has been born into form, a temporary form and then it dies and goes onto another form. You could say the whole world is consciousness having taken birth as form, manifesting as form temporarily, and then dying, which means dissolving as form. What always remains is the "essence" of all that exists—consciousness itself.

Now, when a form dies, I pointed out earlier it is an external loss; it's a great opportunity for the formless, pure consciousness to be recognized. The same happens when a thought-stream comes to an end. Thought dies. And suddenly that which is beyond thought—you may call it pure consciousness—is realized as deep stillness.

Now the question you may ask, and perhaps have asked, is "Who realizes the stillness?" If there is no longer the personal entity there, who is it that becomes enlightened? [Laughter] One could say, of course, nobody becomes "enlightened," because it is the dissolving of the illusion of a separate "me," which is not anybody's achievement, or anybody's success. It looks as if there were a human being becoming enlightened, but that is an external appearance. What is really happening is that consciousness has withdrawn from its identification with form, and realizes its own nature. It is a "Self-realization" of consciousness. Therefore it is a cosmic event. What looks like a human being, a person, becoming free of suffering and entering a state of deep peace—from an external viewpoint—in reality is a cosmic event. Please remember that all language is limited, so these are just little "pointers."

Consciousness is withdrawing from the game of form. For millions of years, as long as the world has been in existence, consciousness has been engaged in the play of form, of becoming the "dance" of phenomenal universe, "Lila." And then consciousness becomes tired of the game. [Chuckle]

It needs a rest.

Yes. But having lost itself, that was part of the game. Having lost itself in form, after having lost itself in form, it knows itself fully for the first time. Don't take anything I say too literally. They are just little pointers, because no one can explain the universe through making "sounds" or thoughts. So it is far too vast to be explained. I'm not explaining the universe. These are just tiny hints. It is beyond words, beyond thought. What I am saying could almost be treated as a poem, an approximation, just an approximation to the Truth.

What is "enlightenment," and why does there seem to be so much confusion about it in these times?

Well, the confusion arises because so many people write about it without knowing it directly. One can become an expert on it without knowing it directly. Because an expert means you know a lot "about" something, but you do not necessarily know "it.” Confusion arises there.

What is enlightenment? Again, it is so vast not any one definition would do it justice. It would be a tiny aspect of it. And you can look at it from so many perspectives, this one, that one, that one. And every time it looks as if it were different.

Another reason why it can be confusing is you reach one person's definition of enlightenment, he or she is looking from "this" perspective. And then you read somebody else's, and they are looking from that perspective. There's the ancient old Indian story of blind men describing an elephant, one touching the trunk, another a leg, the tail, and soon. (Laughter]

The confusion arises in trying to understand through the mind what enlightenment is. That is impossible. Any description is only a signpost. So the mind can only go a certain way, and then the signpost has to be left behind. And the mind gets attached to a signpost, which is a teaching or description, a concept. And then confusion arises because then it sees another signpost and says, "Oh, maybe that is the true one." It becomes defensive, identities with "this one" and says that's me.

So, to the question. "What is enlightenment?" one could say simply, it is when there is no longer any identification with thinking. When there is no longer self-identification with thought processes and self-seeking through thinking. Then the compulsive nature of thinking ceases. Then gaps arise in the mind-stream. That means the unconditioned consciousness arises and is realized as stillness or presence. There is nobody there who "realizes." It is realized. It realizes itself. [Chuckle]

In your book you also mention the "observing presence." Is it possible to practice being the observer to the point of recognizing it as your natural state or condition?

Yes. The beginning of spiritual awakening is the realization that "I am not my thoughts," and "I am not my emotions." So there arises the ability suddenly to observe what the mind is doing, to observe thought processes, to become aware of repetitive thought patterns without being trapped in them, without being completely "in them." So there is a "standing back." It is the ability to observe what the mind is doing, and the ability also to observe an emotion. I define "emotion" as the body's reaction to what the mind is doing. The ability to "watch" that without being identified. That means your whole sense of identity shifts from being the thought or the emotion to being the "observing presence."

And then you can observe a reaction, a menial or emotional reaction. Anger arises. The anger may still be there. But there is the observing "presence" which is the alertness in the background that watches the anger. So there is no longer a "self" in it. The ability to observe thought already is the arising of stillness. Because it is from that dimension that thought is observed.

And then the observer becomes stronger. And what is being witnessed has less heaviness to it, less momentum. So at first you are witnessing. Then you become aware of the witness itself, the power that lies in the witnessing, the power of stillness, the power of consciousness. And then you know that as yourself. You are That.

If you dwell in that continuously, it means you are free of the world of form. Until that happens you are imprisoned in physical and mental formations. You are trapped in thinking. You are (rapped in emotions. You are a fictitious self trapped in form. The true self is beyond form and to know that is liberation.

I want to get into what is traditionally referred to as "Cosmic Consciousness," where the Self, unshakable silence or Beingness is separate from activity. There appears to be a maturity that takes place beyond "Cosmic Consciousness" where an awakening occurs to the reality that no separation between the Self and the world really exists. Adyashanti, who also spoke at the Gathering (2000) yesterday mentioned something about this "maturity" when he got into the three statements, "the world is illusion," "Brahman is real" and "the world is Brahman." it appears a "maturation time" is required, but in some sense no time is necessary. How does this come about?

Well, certain sages made the statement, in India, especially, "the world is unreal," and of course when people read it, it becomes a belief, and they repeat the belief, and then they argue with others who say, "No, no it is real, can't you see it is real?" Those who made the statement originally and where it came from—I know exactly why they said it. Because I feel exactly the same.

The way I experience the world, it's like a surface phenomenon. There's such vastness of Being, the stillness is so all-encompassing. It fills almost everything, it fills the whole space and yet it is empty. And anything that happens, events, or phenomena in people, are like ripples on the surface of Being. That's how I perceive. And ripples, they come and go. They are not all that real. No ripple or wave has any separate existence from the whole. It just looks for a moment as if the wave or ripple was a separate entity. But it isn't.

So the whole phenomenal world to me is like a ripple on the surface of Being. And in that sense I could say, although I never say it as such, "the world is unreal”—unreal relative to what I know to be true, what I feel, what I experience. Experience is not the right word, because it implies time. So it is to be rooted in that timeless slate of consciousness, because it's only in the phenomenal world where time arises. And there is what looks like an entity, a "person," that exists simultaneously as form in time, and yet is the formless. So there is a paradox coming in whenever one realizes. As form you are still in time. As the formless you are beyond time. So the formless, the unmanifested, shines through you when you have realized the formless. It shines through the form into this world. It's like God shining through. The form becomes transparent.
You see this in anybody who has "realized," the absence of personality or ego. There may be certain traits of behavior, but they are not ego. It is the absence of needing to be somebody. And then it can take time as it did in my case, for this to become a teaching. Ramana Maharshi also went completely into the formless, into Being, and didn't even speak anymore, and didn't feed himself anymore. And then time passed on the external, not within—he was rooted in the timeless. But on the external, time passed and as things changed, he started eating and feeding himself again. He started interacting with people. He started to speak again. And then the teaching arose out of that. Time was needed for that to happen.

So there is a role for "time" to act as "grist for the mitt," which allows for that union between the unmanifest and manifest to come about?

Yes. There is always a paradox when one talks about time in the content of "spirituality” There's a question that is sometimes asked, "Do I need time to become enlightened?" Because it does seem like that. And the answer is yes and no. The answer I would give to that contains a paradox. And I say, yes, you need time until you realize that you don't need time anymore, [Laughter] So the truth here, it is only through paradox that this truth can be expressed. And to do away with paradox would limit it.

How do you define the term "ego?" Is it possible to have any remains of an ego and be perfectly enlightened?

Ego means self-identification with thinking, to be trapped in thought, which means to have a mental image of "me" based on thought and emotions. So ego is there in the absence of a witnessing presence. There's the unobserved mind and the unobserved mind is the ego. As the witness comes in, ego still operates. It has a momentum that is still there, but a different dimension of consciousness has come in. The question whether somebody can be enlightened ...

Yes, is it possible to be perfectly enlightened and have any remains of an ego?

Well, perhaps not perfectly enlightened, but there can be remains of ego still there, because I have seen it in teachers. I have seen the ego return in some teachers. So the ego can go into almost a "coma," [Laughter] and then wake up out of its coma perhaps due to the projections, ego-projections that the teacher is bombarded with. As the teacher is there, more people appear and gather around the teacher. And they (those who gather around them) all have their own ego-projections. They make the teacher very "special." And specialness is always ego, whether special in my misery or special because I am the greatest, the ego doesn't really mind. [Chuckle] So perhaps in those teachers the ego was not completely gone. It just had been reduced to an extremely weak state, but then gained strength again.

Ramakrishna refers to a "provisional ego," where there is a very thin line between that which is real and that which exists in time/space which allows some sort of presence in the world. I think he said something like fifteen out of sixteen particles are not there in an ego form, but it's that one-sixteenth of a particle left over that is able to interact with those who are still in possession of an ego.

Yes, that's good.

Some spiritual teachers advocate spiritual practices and others reject them as a waste of time. What's your perspective on this?

There may be a place for spiritual practice. The difficulty with spiritual practice is again that most practices give you "time." They are based on time and on becoming, or "getting good at" something. In the end every practice will have to be left behind. No practice can take you to liberation. That is important to know. It can be a little step that is useful until you realize you don't need it anymore, because after a certain point it becomes a hindrance.

Now if a teacher gives you a practice, he or she would perhaps point out when you don't need it anymore or you realize yourself when you don’t need it anymore. No technique can take you there. That is the important thing.

Personally, I don't teach practices as such. The power of the teaching is sufficient without needing to go for any practice. Although some people when I speak of awareness of the "inner body" call it a technique. I would not call it a technique because it is too simple for that. When the oak tree feels its roots in the earth, its connectedness with the earth, it is not practicing a technique. That is its natural state, to feel that connectedness. So I would not call "feeling the inner body" a technique.

Surrendering to "what is" or "the Now*' seems to be an important aspect of your teaching. Is there a distinction between "surrendering to what is," and the use of the popular cliché, "go with the flow of life, where ever it takes us"?

Surrendering only refers to this moment, whatever "is" at this moment—to accept unconditionally and fully whatever arises at this moment. "Going with the flow" is a more general term. For some people it is an excuse for not taking action and it refers usually to one's life situation. Let's say you are in a particular job and that is the flow, you stay in it.

Surrender is only in reference to Now. So "going with the flow" is not necessarily true surrender and may lead to passivity, lethargy and inaction. Surrender to the Now is something very different because it only concerns accepting the reality of this moment. Whatever action is needed will then rise out of that state of complete acceptance. The most powerful state for a human to be in is the state of embracing completely the reality of what is—Now. It is to say "Yes" to life, which is now and always now. There is a vast power in that "Yes," that state of inner non-resistance to what is. Action arises out of that if it's needed, as a spontaneous response to the situation.

So surrender to Now never leads to inaction because it only concerns the reality of this moment and perhaps action is needed. In the book I give the example of being stuck in the mud. So you wouldn't say, "O.K., I surrender to this and I'm going to stay here." It simply means, "it is;" there is a recognition of "it is" and to saying yes to "it is." And there's much greater power now that arises that will move through you and manifest as action if it is needed than there could ever be in the state of saying, "no" to "what is"—and then perhaps taking action that is always contaminated with negativity. Whenever you say "no" and then action arises because you are fighting "what is" that is karmic action in Eastern terms, and it leads to further suffering because it arises out of suffering, which is the non-acceptance of "what is"—suffering. Action arising out of suffering is contaminated with suffering and causes further suffering, and that is karma. Action that arises out of a state of “acceptance" is totally free of karma. And there is a vast difference.

Monday, 18 May 2009

20 Keys to Conscious Creation

Thanks to the discovery of The Conscious Media Network, my work is almost done for the moment. For instance, take a look at this interview with Gregg Braden. He explaines why we experience time is speeding up. It's because of the pulse or heartbeat of the earth is increasing! It used to be 7 herz per second. From the 1980's it started to increase to maybe 13 herz per second in 2012! More information about the knowledge of Braden at this blog, please click here.

Here are his 20 keys to Conscious Creation..., explained in his book 'The Divine Matrix'.

1. The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the Universe, the bridge between all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created.

2. Everything in our world is connected to everything else.

3. To tap the force of the Universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world, rather than separate from it.

4. Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

5. The act of focussing our consciousness is AN ACT OF CREATION. Consciousness creates!

6. We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!

7. The focus of our awareness becomes THE REALITY of our world.

8. To simply say that we choose a new reality, is not enough!

9. Feeling is the language that 'speaks' to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

10. Not just any feeling will do, the ones that create must be without ego and judgement.

11. We must become in our lives the things that we choose to experience as our world.

12. We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

13. In a holographic 'something', every piece of the something mirrors the whole something.

14. The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

15. Through the hologram of consciousness a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

16. The minimum number of people required to 'jump-start' a change in consciousness is <1% of a population.

17. The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we create in our believes.

18. The root of our 'negative' experiences may be reduced to one of three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth or lack of trust.

19. Our true believes are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

20. We must become in our lives the very things that we choose to experience in our world.

Friday, 15 May 2009

The illusion unfolded by the Mother of all Bubbles

Gerald Celente, hier al vaker genoemd, krijgt op Nate's blog ruimte voor zijn bericht, ziehier een fragment:

"All of this terminology is econo-jargon," said Celente. "It's like calling torture 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' Washington is inflating the biggest bubble ever: the 'Bailout Bubble.' "This is much bigger than the Dot-com and Real Estate bubbles which hit speculators, investors and financiers the hardest. However destructive the effects of these busts on employment, savings and productivity, the Free Market Capitalist framework was left intact. But when the 'Bailout Bubble' explodes, the system goes with it."

With no more massive economic bubbles left to blow up, they'll set their sights on bigger targets. "Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war," observed Celente.

Since the "Bailout Bubble" is neither called nor recognized as a bubble, its sudden and spectacular explosion will create chaos. A panicked public will readily accept any Washington/Wall Street/Main Stream Media alibi that shifts the blame for the catastrophe away from the policy makers and onto some scapegoat.

En dan Nate's antwoord:

(...) Regarding the possibility of war, on this point he has a high probability of being correct. If you look back in history, approximately one decade following major economic collapses you will repeatedly find a major conflict. Are we smarter this time? Better informed with information moving at light speed?

I would sure like to think so, but the truth is that if anything we are displaying more of a herd mentality now than ever before! The vast majority of people are tuning into their televisions for their propaganda, and yes, the internet and the truth is out there, but very few are willing to seek it out. If you are reading this, you are a very slim, but well informed, minority.

I hope Celente is wrong – I don’t think he is. This talk is so far out there for the mainstream that he may sound radical. He is simply telling the truth about people and about history and extrapolating that into possible future outcomes. This is something we need way worse than the lies and manipulation that are brought to you by your own government, the latest example being the “stress test.” Now there’s RADICAL and INSANITY. This article is far more lucid than that!

Zo en daar zit je dan, achter je pc, dit te lezen. Denkend aan de geschiedenis lessen van '40-'45? Wat moet je ermee? In elk geval niet in paniek raken. Bereid je familie en je netwerk voor op wat komen gaat en weet dat samenwerking tot een hoger doel ons uiteindelijk eruit zal helpen. Liefde, handelen vanuit het hart is het enige dat nog helpt in deze bizarre tijd die komen gaat.

Herinner je: dit is de bedoeling. Met als doel de mens op de troon van de Evolutie te krijgen met een nieuw verworven bewustzijn. Dit bewustzijn kan alleen op planetair niveau bereikt worden. Iedereen die dit meemaakt zal dit niveau bereiken, niemand zal worden overgeslagen. Met behulp van deze blog hoop ik de eerste stap te zetten, stapt u mee?

De breakdown en illusie wordt in alle hevigheid ervaren in het land dat zijn eigen waanzin geschapen heeft. Ignorance is so dangerous. Hieronder een kort verslag van een man uit Michigan. This is real time and dead serious, lieve mensen. Het gebeurt, nu, aan de lopende band en in grote getalen.

Well here we are another year 2009 ahhhhhhhh

Well what I have for sale is a life of Debt, illusions and bill collectors

I think for 1,000,000 I’ll let it go. The price will include a complete 20,000 equipment only fabrication shop a beautiful house in the country 3,500 sqft 30 x 40 barn 13 acres ahhh the American dream!!!!!! It will also buy you 12 useless employees 4 large break even contracts and a business name that has become completely ruined because CORPORATE AMERICA SUCKS DICK. I have however made it 5 years so I guess I beat the statistic.

If you don’t want to buy the dream that’s fine I’m just going to FUCK everybody Like I got fucked. Bankruptcy FUCKERS

Chrysler financial, you can have my diesel truck back, that’s 20,000 over mileage and smashed because I just hit a deer. I looked cool in it for a while, but I just bought a 95 S-10 cash and I love it. So stop calling me five times a day and come get the piece of shit.

Btw, how do you expect people to pay your late charges if they can’t even make the regular payment? Also if you called me on Tuesday I bet my situation won’t be any different Wednesday. Bastards. Fuck you I’m going to hide it

American express I was a good customer to you. Once I was 10 days late you canceled my card. You will never get your money. Bastards

The only thing in my life I won’t sell is my 4 year old daughter (she is a keeper). My very sexy supportive wife and the dog. You can have the rest of the illusion.

Material bull shit.
We learned our lesson.

Love to tell you more but I’ve got to search for a job so I can pay taxes to support all the Bailout money we gave the people that are going to repo my shit and put America in this situation. I wonder what I’ll be paid with food.

Don’t think the dollar illusion can go on much longer.

Keep the faith protect your kids. Your family is all that matters

A Broke Michigan resident

Het Christendom onthuld - alles wordt uiteindelijk ontdekt...

Op zoek naar antwoorden? Bij deze. Wederom een bijzonder filmpje a la 'Dan Brown'.

Het gaat om macht en controle. Dat is de staat van bewustzijn waar wij onder gebukt gaan. Duisternis vaart wel bij de piramidale structuur van ons ego. Wie heeft/krijgt de teugels in handen? Ego of ons Hoger Zelf. Controle, de zucht naar meer/beter en nooit in het nu levend of Vrijheid, levend in onzekerheid, synchroon met het leven in het Nu, waarbij alles wordt gezien en ervaren in zijn Goddelijke perfectie. Slaafs lopen we nu nog (heel even) mee met de kudde, die zich niet bewust is. Het gaat hard, wees scherp. Voor meer ont-wikkeling van je eigen bewustzijn zie een ouder bericht, omtrent dit onderwerp.

De symbolische voorstelling van de stoffelijke mens daarentegen, die zijn verstand gebruikt om zijn stoffelijke wezen te dienen, is het uit de vierkanten van de oppervlakte van de kubus gevormde kruis - of Tau, waarop het verborgen, immanente, goddelijke Zelf gekruisigd is. In dat soort mensen is het goddelijke van zijn macht beroofd, het kan zich niet openbaren, het moet zich in de wereld aan de wetten van de materie onderwerpen; het is aan de twee grote balken van de driedimensionale wereld - aan tijd en ruimte - gekruisigd en sterft op dit kruis der materie. Zijn dood is echter niet iets definitiefs. Ook in het bewustzijn, dat tot de laagste trede is gezonken, zal het goddelijk scheppende Zelf eens opstaan en de lijdende mens verlossen. Want de stofgerichte mens schept zich in zijn onwetendheid, doordat hij zijn eigen hoger Zelf - God - in zich kruisigt, onafgebroken pijn en ellende - hij wordt de misdadiger, die naast het gekruisigd goddelijke ook aan het kruis hangt. De pijnen maken hem wakker, zijn hoger bewustzijn ontwaakt en hij beleeft met de opstanding van zijn goddelijke Zelf, ook zijn verlossing, omdat hij zich in Hem-zelf herkent! [pag 265, Inwijding - Elisabeth Haich]

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

3 oktober 2008

Eigenlijk is dit best een belangrijke datum voor mij geweest, bedenk ik mij nu. 30 September was mijn laatste dag op mijn werk: ik kon en wilde niet meer door. En een nieuwe baan zag ik ook zo snel even niet zitten. Het had te maken met een algehele teleurstelling en aversie tegen alles dat zich afspeelde (en afspeelt) binnen het systeem. Ik kon er niet meer mee leven. Het geloof was eruit als ik het nu terug zie. Ik geloof wel in de samenleving en de bijdrage die je mag leveren, maar niet in de slaafsheid van de maatschappij. Bizar dat in oktober van 2008 de totale afbraak en daarmee de ommekeer plaats vindt. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk het moment dat DAG 6 van Evolutie niveau 8 begint - zie het bericht over de Maya's.

Dat het systeem waar wij in leven fundamenteel niet klopt was mij duidelijk geworden. Daar was ik al langer over uit en wist ongeveer wel te benoemen waar het aan lag. Maar ik zocht naar antwoorden en bevestiging... Zeitgeist had zijn tweede release (Addendum) al aangekondigd, dus ik stond te popelen om na een geweldig weekend met mijn broers in Belgie, de film te bekijken.

De inhoud was/is shocking en in mijn ogen en naar mijn gevoel ook zo waar..... De film begint alleen al met een geweldige opening van Krishnamurti, die haarfijn uitlegt hoe de huidige staat van de mens eruit ziet. Zij richt zichzelf ten gronde met dit (collectieve) niveau van bewustzijn.

We kunnen nu eenmaal niet meer verder op deze manier als we als mensheid voort willen leven in deze wereld. Alles raakt op, uitgeput en verwoest, allemaal dankzij - onze staat van bewustzijn. Daarom zijn alle problemen ook terug te herleiden naar dit onderwerp en liggen alle oplossingen ook hierin besloten.

Bekijk het filmpje The Real Revolution - vanaf 2 minuten en 10 seconden. Daar begint hij exact waar ik gevoelsmatig al zo lang mee rond liep.

En dan nog de ontdekking die ik deed bij Maarten Zweers. Echt een geweldig inzicht, die ik in een volgend bericht zal vertellen.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Toezicht op de Amerikaanse Fed is top!

De toezichthouder van de Federal Reserve (=Amerikaanse stelsel van Banken), bekend als The Fed, wordt ondervraagd over de wijze waarop zij toezicht houdt. The Inspector General is aan het woord. Neem heel even de tijd (5 min). Als je het hebt gezien, dan krijg je toch een warm gevoel van vertrouwen?

Dat 2 triljoen dollar veel is, weten we. Wat ermee gebeurt weten we alleen niet... Het blijft gelukkig niet onopgemerkt:

Goed, dan ben je nu zover. Tijd voor de volgende ondervraging, dit keer de Vice President van de Fed aan het woord. Goed kijken naar zijn linker hand en de lichaamstaal van de eerste man.

Hoe zit dit verhaal precies??

Do I need to say more? Are you Conscious of what's happening??

Voor de full story behind the Fed - kijk naar Zeitgeist. Of kijk dit filmpje, maar pas op, als je dit soort informatie voor het eerst hoort, komt het als een klap je bewustzijn binnen. Of je gaat uit zelf bescherming direct op de ontkennings-rem staan. Gelul, dit is niet waar, enz, enz.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Our Zeitgeist.......

Please pay attention to: "Zeitgeist"

The producer:

1. The Movie [released 25 / 06 / 2007] - REMASTERED in 2009.

2. Addendum [released 2 / 10 / 2008]


Thursday, 7 May 2009

The Universe by the Hubble Space Telescope

Astronomers Select Top Ten Most Amazing Pictures
Taken by Hubble Space Telescope in
Last 16 Years

They illustrate that our universe is not only deeply strange, but also almost impossibly beautiful.' Michael Hanlon /AH 11/25/2006

After correcting an initial problem with the lens, when the Hubble Space Telescope was first launched in 1990, the floating astro-observatory began to relay back to Earth, incredible snapshots of the 'final frontier' it was perusing.

The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are as spectacular as its appearance. It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

VS hebben $ 57 triljoen dollar schuld

Ok dit is iets dat je ook mag weten: de TOTAL American Debt. En die is zo gigantisch dat je niet meer mag verwachten dat het ooit kan worden terugbetaald. De Amerikaanse economie (en daarmee de onze) ligt in coma op de Intensive Care aan het beademings apparaat (let goed op wat de 'doktoren' doen). De laatste en grootste 'bubble' wordt door de overheid bewust gecreëerd om de luchtbel uiteindelijk ongenadig hard in elkaar te laten klappen. Een kwestie van tijd.

Als je de geschidenisboekjes erop naslaat en terug gaat naar de jaren '20 en '30 van de vorige eeuw, dan weet je wat fascisme doet met een land dat zo diep in de schulden zit. Het grijpt de macht omdat de ideale voedingsbodem is gecreëerd.

Hoeveel is 1 triljoen? Een 1 met 12 nullen. Je hebt er een computer voor nodig wil je dit kunnen intypen. Als je iedere seconde 1 dollar biljet in het vuur zou gooien, dan ben je bijna 31 duizend (!) 709,79 jaar (!) bezig om alle biljetjes in het vuur te gooien. Tel daar 5% rente bij op en je kan nog eens 1500 vrienden uitnodigen om hetzelfde te doen!! En dat maal 57..... Hoe lang gaat dit nog goed?

Wanneer barst deze Mega Bubble, groter dan de grootste die we ooit gehad hebben?

Oh en dan nog een aardig feitje dat velen wel weten, maar niet vaak bij stil staan: de VS besteden meer geld aan Defensie dan alle landen over de hele wereld gezamenlijk. ("we do spend MORE MONEY ON OUR MILITARY THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED.")

Hoeveel krankzinnigheid kunnen we nog aan in deze wereld?

Dus wat doet Amerika eigenlijk: ze lenen geld van de toekomst en geven dat vandaag uit. Daarmee Supersized Amerika zijn eigen economie (met slechts 300 miljoen inwoners - tegenover de ruim 2 miljard uit China en India) tot een bizarre illusie die eens moet worden doorbroken. Cool hè - en wij gaan het meemaken!