Friday, 15 May 2009

The illusion unfolded by the Mother of all Bubbles

Gerald Celente, hier al vaker genoemd, krijgt op Nate's blog ruimte voor zijn bericht, ziehier een fragment:

"All of this terminology is econo-jargon," said Celente. "It's like calling torture 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' Washington is inflating the biggest bubble ever: the 'Bailout Bubble.' "This is much bigger than the Dot-com and Real Estate bubbles which hit speculators, investors and financiers the hardest. However destructive the effects of these busts on employment, savings and productivity, the Free Market Capitalist framework was left intact. But when the 'Bailout Bubble' explodes, the system goes with it."

With no more massive economic bubbles left to blow up, they'll set their sights on bigger targets. "Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war," observed Celente.

Since the "Bailout Bubble" is neither called nor recognized as a bubble, its sudden and spectacular explosion will create chaos. A panicked public will readily accept any Washington/Wall Street/Main Stream Media alibi that shifts the blame for the catastrophe away from the policy makers and onto some scapegoat.

En dan Nate's antwoord:

(...) Regarding the possibility of war, on this point he has a high probability of being correct. If you look back in history, approximately one decade following major economic collapses you will repeatedly find a major conflict. Are we smarter this time? Better informed with information moving at light speed?

I would sure like to think so, but the truth is that if anything we are displaying more of a herd mentality now than ever before! The vast majority of people are tuning into their televisions for their propaganda, and yes, the internet and the truth is out there, but very few are willing to seek it out. If you are reading this, you are a very slim, but well informed, minority.

I hope Celente is wrong – I don’t think he is. This talk is so far out there for the mainstream that he may sound radical. He is simply telling the truth about people and about history and extrapolating that into possible future outcomes. This is something we need way worse than the lies and manipulation that are brought to you by your own government, the latest example being the “stress test.” Now there’s RADICAL and INSANITY. This article is far more lucid than that!

Zo en daar zit je dan, achter je pc, dit te lezen. Denkend aan de geschiedenis lessen van '40-'45? Wat moet je ermee? In elk geval niet in paniek raken. Bereid je familie en je netwerk voor op wat komen gaat en weet dat samenwerking tot een hoger doel ons uiteindelijk eruit zal helpen. Liefde, handelen vanuit het hart is het enige dat nog helpt in deze bizarre tijd die komen gaat.

Herinner je: dit is de bedoeling. Met als doel de mens op de troon van de Evolutie te krijgen met een nieuw verworven bewustzijn. Dit bewustzijn kan alleen op planetair niveau bereikt worden. Iedereen die dit meemaakt zal dit niveau bereiken, niemand zal worden overgeslagen. Met behulp van deze blog hoop ik de eerste stap te zetten, stapt u mee?

De breakdown en illusie wordt in alle hevigheid ervaren in het land dat zijn eigen waanzin geschapen heeft. Ignorance is so dangerous. Hieronder een kort verslag van een man uit Michigan. This is real time and dead serious, lieve mensen. Het gebeurt, nu, aan de lopende band en in grote getalen.

Well here we are another year 2009 ahhhhhhhh

Well what I have for sale is a life of Debt, illusions and bill collectors

I think for 1,000,000 I’ll let it go. The price will include a complete 20,000 equipment only fabrication shop a beautiful house in the country 3,500 sqft 30 x 40 barn 13 acres ahhh the American dream!!!!!! It will also buy you 12 useless employees 4 large break even contracts and a business name that has become completely ruined because CORPORATE AMERICA SUCKS DICK. I have however made it 5 years so I guess I beat the statistic.

If you don’t want to buy the dream that’s fine I’m just going to FUCK everybody Like I got fucked. Bankruptcy FUCKERS

Chrysler financial, you can have my diesel truck back, that’s 20,000 over mileage and smashed because I just hit a deer. I looked cool in it for a while, but I just bought a 95 S-10 cash and I love it. So stop calling me five times a day and come get the piece of shit.

Btw, how do you expect people to pay your late charges if they can’t even make the regular payment? Also if you called me on Tuesday I bet my situation won’t be any different Wednesday. Bastards. Fuck you I’m going to hide it

American express I was a good customer to you. Once I was 10 days late you canceled my card. You will never get your money. Bastards

The only thing in my life I won’t sell is my 4 year old daughter (she is a keeper). My very sexy supportive wife and the dog. You can have the rest of the illusion.

Material bull shit.
We learned our lesson.

Love to tell you more but I’ve got to search for a job so I can pay taxes to support all the Bailout money we gave the people that are going to repo my shit and put America in this situation. I wonder what I’ll be paid with food.

Don’t think the dollar illusion can go on much longer.

Keep the faith protect your kids. Your family is all that matters

A Broke Michigan resident